Collections: All, Tables

Walnut with Epoxy Resin Round Table

Stunning Walnut Round Table for kitchen, dining or even as a large coffee table. Beautiful epoxy work to show off the wonderful character of the wood. 

Mother Nature intricately designed and provided this colourful natural and sleek table. With a little creativity by a local rural collaborator of mine, and the addition of custom steel legs, this is the result.

The harvested walnut pieces came off the sawmill with elements of rot and decay, normally these pieces would be discarded and used as firewood or left in the forest to rot on their own.  As a salvaged and eco conscious company we love using and predominantly focus on pieces like these for our work! The wood was stabilized using epoxy resin, and is solid and strong, and able to be used as furniture.   100% local wood and supporting local rural farmers and mill operators   

This once in a lifetime piece is a conversation piece for any room or business   


Approximately 42” diameter.